Dev Log September 2024

A long overdue dev log. The last one was for September 2023. That's a year. Stuff in life has happened.


In November I switched Compiano to use pipewire directly for sound. This mean removing bits of UI too.

I should look at a release, but I have a few blockers I need to tackle. One key element is that there is a mechanism to download the soundbanks and for now it doesn't ask consent to do so. I don't want a release without this.

Raw thumbnailer

I already posted about it.


Lot has happened on that front. I want it to be a foundation of Niepce and others.

First adding it to glycin triggered an alpha release on There started a long cycle of alpha release, we are at alpha 8 as of now. Various changes:

  • Added the mp4parse crate directly as a module. A key reason is that I already used a fork so it complicate things. Maybe I should make these few bits upstreamable and use upstream.
  • Added a mime types API
  • Save up a lot of RAM when doing colour interpolation: it's done in place instead of allocating a new buffer. This is significant as this is done using a 64-bit float per component.
  • Fixed the rendering in many ways. The only thing it needs it to apply the colour balance.
  • Fixed unpack or decompression of Olympus and Fuji files.
  • Got an external contribution: Panasonic decompression. This made me fix the loading of uncompressed Panasonic raw too. The more recent Panasonic cameras are still failing though, there is a subtle variant that needs to be handled.

Still missing from rendering: recent Nikon and all their exotic variants and compression scheme, Canon CR3, GoPro, Sony.


Not so much work directly done on Niepce in the last few month, but still.

Ongoing features

Started a while ago some work towards the import and a rework of the catalog (the main data storage).

The former is the implementation of a workflow that allow immporting images into the catalog.

The latter involve reworking the catalog to become a self contained storage as a sqlite3 database. One step I already did was to use it to store the catalog preferences instead of a separate file. This should also include fixing the UI open, creating, switching.

This big two things are user visible and are a stop forward what I want to happen as an internal milestone. Then I can start pluging the library import and maybe import my picture vault. A good starting point towards managing the collection, but not really for photo editing yet. Gotta make choices.


Implemented support for HEIF which is being adopted by camera manufacturers.

I updated the RT engine to 5.11 which came with RawTherapee 5.11. This is still a soft work of the code base to use strip out Gtk3 and a more recent version of glibmm. The latter patch might no longer be needed as I have since removed gtkmm from Niepce.

I also implemented the GEGL pipeline using gegl-rs, which I took over to make it useful. At one I shall try to figure out how to write a loader in Rust to use libopenraw with GEGL.


The UI is slowly moving to use blueprint, and I removed all the first-party C++ code outside of bindings, no more Gtkmm and Glibmm is only here because RT engine needs it.


Stuff I contributed to.


I took part to the STF effort and worked on fixing issues with the desktop portal. The big chunk of the work related to the USB portal, taking over code by Georges that is itself based on code by Ryan. It spreads through multiple component of the stack: flatpak, xdg-desktop-portal, xdg-desktop-portal-gnome, libportal and ashpd.

I also did a bunch of bug fixes, crashes, memory leaks, etc in flatpak, flatpak-builder, and the rest of the stack.

I also implemented issue #1 for flatpak-builder: easy renaming of MIME files and icons, and also properly fixing the id in the appstream file, a common problem in flatpak.


Glycin is a sandboxed image loader. I did implement the raw camera loader using libopenraw. It's written in Rust, so is libopenraw now. Thank you Sophie for merging it.


Jeff was complaining about a file being super slow, with sysprof flamegraph. That picked my curiosity and looked at it. The peculiarity of the document is that it has 16000 pages and a lot of cross references.

This lead to two patches:

  • The first one is in 24.06. There was a loop, calling for the length of the container at each iteration. Turns out this is protected by a mutex and that's a lot of time spend for nothing since the value is immutable. Call it once before the loop and voila.

  • The other one, merged for 24.09 change that loop to be a hash table lookup. The problem is that it want to locate the page by object reference, but iterate through the page list. Lots of ref and lots of a page mean even more iterator. The more complex approach is when building the page cache (it's done on demand), we build a reference to page index map. And the slow code is no longer slow and almost disappear from the flamegraphs.

This make Evince and Okular faster to open that document and any presenting similar attribute: a lot of bookmarks.