Hubert Figuière - Updated: 6 January 2023

Picture © 2005 somecanuckchick cc by-sa 2.5 canada.

Software artisan, pixel manipulation adventurer, tabletop gamer, music n00b living in Montréal, Canada.

My spare time software projects libopenraw, Exempi, Compiano, Niepce Digital, AbiWord and help making Flatpak better.
I have also contributed to gphoto, Gnote, and other projects like OpenPhoto.

My résumé.

I play tabletop games (boardgames, RPGs). I take pictures. I try to learn to play music (guitar and keyboards).

I ramble on a wlog.

Contacting me

If you want to contact me electronically:

Talks / conferences

I haven't talked at a conference in a while


What I read recently...